Recently I had my 25th birthday. And I feel pretty old.
If this article by BuzzFeed is anything to go by, my life is about to get pretty darn boring. However on the plus side, I will care less what other people think and be more confident...
So seeing as I am now officially in my mid twenties (which by the way what does that mean? Does it cover 24,25,26? Or literally just 25?) I have been thinking quite a bit about where my 20 year old self thought I would be and where I actually am.
So when I was 20 I would have been in my first year of University at Falmouth, studying PR. At this point I probably wasn't thinking much about the future, but more interested in deciding whether to go to Club I or Shades (always Club I) and whether I should go to my lecture the next morning. (For those of you reading this who have been to Falmouth, Club I is now apparently the only club, Shades shut down and is now a place called Mama Africas....definitely old)
But if I had, had more deep and meaningful thoughts about where life was taking me, rather than if you can get away with eating 2 day old pizza, I would probably have wanted to achieve the following over the next 5 years:
- Graduate with a decent classification
- Get a job doing something really cool
- Go travelling
- Do a bungee jump
- Learn how to snowboard
- Take awesome pictures
- Get uber skinny, healthy and fit
- Learn to surf
- Learn how to play guitar better
- Learn more Spanish
- Find a bloke who is really nice, that I may even possibly want to marry one day.
Now I have achieved some of those. I graduated with a 2.1 and got a job in PR - not bad so far. I took a Spanish course, I bought a DSLR camera and have been 'teaching' myself how to use it, I have been snowboarding twice and have practised guitar, a bit. The rest, are somewhat lacking.
So I thought I would make myself, a kind of, bucket list for the next 5 years, to hopefully inspire me to achieve things that I want to do. So here is my 'thirty before 30' list.
1. Travel out of the UK
2. Do a bungee jump
3. Go snowboarding more than 5 times
4. Learn to surf
5. Get fit, slim and healthy
6. Learn how to play at least three songs on guitar
7. Make a youtube channel and vlog!
8. Visit a country that speaks Spanish and speak the language
9. Watch live music in New Orleans
10. Surf in California
11. Take some awesome pictures
12. Sky dive
13. Take a selfie at Niagra Falls
14. Go on the Harry Potter tour in London
15. See Beyonce live
16. See Rudimental live
17. Meet a Backstreet Boy, Spice Girl, other member of a favourite childhood band.
18. Ride a bike
19. Ride a mechanical bull or a real life horse in Texas
20. Go to Wales and see my nan
21. Discover what my natural hair colour is
22. Have Maple Syrup in Canada
23. Have a Fosters in Australia
24. Visit Tasmania
25. See the Grand Canyon
26. Drink a cocktail on a beach
27. Go to a festival
I have left the last 3 open to add in, as I can't think of any other good ones and I am sure once I start I will have lots more I will want to add. So here it goes, my 30 things to do before 30.
Wish me luck!
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